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titleContent analytics

Content analytics is a new feature that measures how many times a piece of content–Аrticle / Video / Gallery–created by a certain Sportal365 user has been viewed on your website. Also, Content analytics measures how many times an article belonging to a certain category has been viewed.


Note that Sportal365 recognizes two types of article contributors; users who create an article in the system and authors who write an article.

You can segment content analytics based on a predefined time range i.e. by Day / Week / Month.  

Content analytics segmented by a user:

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Content analytics segmented by a category:

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titleImage ratio in Blocky

Release 3.23.0. introduces a nifty improvement to cropped images.

Now, when you crop an image in Images or Galleries, and then go to Blocky and try to add your image to the body of your content – the image will be displayed inside Blocky with its new cropped ratio.

Cropping/changing image ratio

To crop or change the ratio of an image, you can either do it from Images:

  1. Go to Images, select an image and then the crop button.

2. When the Image crop panel opens, select the ratio for your image and Save.  

Alternatively, you can change the ratio of an image from Galleries:

  1. Go to Galleries-->Select a gallery --> Items.

  2. Select and image and select the crop button.

3. When the Image crop panel opens, select the ratio for your image and Save.  


Note that you cannot change image ratio inside Blocky.


titleMatch widget improvement

We are happy to introduce two updates to updates–Interrupted matches and team color selection–to the Match widget that will improve the quality of your content–Interrupted matches and team color selectioncontent.

Displaying Interrupted matches

In addition to upcoming and past matches, the Match widget can now also display Interrupted matches.

An interrupted match is a match that has been stopped for an unforeseen reason–torrential rain, hail, medical emergency and so on–, but has resumed after the factor interrupting the match has been resolved. Bear in mind that interrupted matches are not postponed matches.

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The flow of adding interrupted matches to your content is the same as adding past or upcoming matches. See Match widget.

Team color selection

Another update to the Match widget is the ability to select the uniform color for each team.

titleLists improvement

By now, you know that when you write an article in Sportal365, it can have an author (the person who writes the articles) and a creator (the person that has created the article in the system).

That’s why the latest update of Lists displays the author and the creator of an article part of a certain list.

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The update is also reflected in the Lists' view in the Content properties side bar:

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Note that an article can have only a creator and no author.