Gallery blocks offer two ways to enhance the substance of your main content type–either by adding an existing gallery or creating a new one.
Adding an existing gallery
You can add an existing gallery in two ways:
From the Choose gallery drop-down menu or
By typing a team or a player in the Filter by team or player tab.
Once done, you can choose the main image for your gallery by simply selecting the image you want to appear as the so-called opening image of the gallery. Furthermore, you can select the desired width and alignment of your main image from the image properties at the bottom of the gallery block.
The image below shows how your saved gallery will look like with the main image width 100% and centered alignment.
Note that when you add an already created gallery, the images inside the gallery will come with the description when the gallery was created.
Creating a new gallery
To create a new gallery inside the gallery block, you need to select the +Create tab.
You will notice that the title field and the category of the gallery you want to create are prefilled with the title and category you have given to the main content type (article, video, or gallery) you are working on. If you wish to copy the additional (if any) categories, tags, and football connections of your main content type and assign them to the images of your new gallery, select from the options–Copy additional categories, Copy tags and Copy football connections (teams, players and match).
When you select the Continue to adding images button, you will be prompted to add images and choose a cover image for your newly created gallery. Also, you can copy the football connections associated with the main content type to the images of your new gallery.
Once you select a cover image, your gallery will preview in the body as shown below:
Note that when you add images to a new gallery, you have to add a description, provider, and football connections to each image. See Images for reference.