Technology (ies)

In this section, you will find answers to questions related to the technology of the Sportal365 content management system.

We designed the Sportal365 CMS to have a microservice architecture for its resilience, autonomy, and its easily deployable parts.

To have microservice architecture means that the Sportal365 CMS is made up of independently deployable services (parts) organized around business capabilities. For example, you may have your own content management system and you want to only use our Football API or only use Widgets to enrich your posts with football statistics.

This set up comes in contrast to monolithic applications, and all microservices are loosely coupled such that changes in one will not affect the other. Moreover, each service can deliver a specific business goal.

At the moment, we have developed a plug-in for the integration between Sportal365 and WordPress.

Also, we are now expanding our integration capabilities and soon we'll have ready SDKs for JavaScript, PHP, Android OS, and iOS.

See for more information.

The Sortal365 content management system works with robust, secure, and reliable cutting-edge technology. It is a cloud-based platform ready for scale and to integrate with any customer environment and technology.

 Here’s a brief list of the technologies and third-party services used by the Sportal365 platform:

3rd-party services


Libraries, frameworks & 3rd-party products

An Application Programming Interface, also known as API, is a software-to-software interface that creates a foundation for automated interactions between independent parties. It allows applications to communicate with each other, and developers to effortlessly access and manipulate a system remotely.

The Sportal356 CMS platform is based on several RESTful Application Programming Interfaces (API)–with the Content API and Football API being the most important in this case–to give you easy access to the system and complete control over your content.

Once you have access to our APIs (see API access), you can talk to the backend of our platform and ask it to behave in a way that optimizes your work no matter where you are.

APIs allow different technologies to work together, regardless of language or platform.

Аn API-based platform has an incredible layer of flexibility, it’s highly scalable, and uses less bandwidth, which makes it more suitable for the internet. In other words, it’s simple, lightweight, and fast.

Using an API-based platform gives you the ability to create, read, update, and delete anything you can describe over the web.

See for more information.