Announcement of coming UX changes

Announcement of coming UX changes

Hello, dear users,

This update would be short and its purpose is to prepare you for a jumbo release in the next few weeks – the introduction of the Basketball API.

As we prepare to unveil the Basketball API and all its features, we want to let you know about a change to the CMS's user experience (UX) that will affect your work now.

In short, we’ve expanded the tagging abilities of the system by adding a Sports type functionality. Sports type is separated into two – Football and Basketball, and lets you tag your content not only with football connections but with basketball as well.

Where can I see the new UX changes?

The UX changes include a small update in the wording too. When you select Football in the Sports type field, you will be able to tag your content with football connections. And when you select Basketball, you will be able to add sports connections (also referred to as basketball connections).

Note that all other sports we add in the future – tennis, horse racing, etc. – would be available in the Sports type drop-down menu to tag your content.

The new change would be reflected in:

Articles, Video, Galleries



Note that there might be more places where the change would take place, such as the advanced search options in Articles, Videos, Galleries and Images. 

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