Content statistics

Content statistics

The Sportal365 CMS dashboard displays content statistics for individual content creators, or for a specific player, team or category.

The CMS tracks the number of content items that have been uploaded by a user for the four main content types: Articles, Videos, Galleries, and Images.

 In the sections below we explore each section of the dashboard in detail:

The All content today section lets you see the uploaded within the last 24 hours to your website, by all users, Videos, Articles, Galleries, and Images by all users.

The My content tab is a shortcut that lets users access–straight from their dashboard–all the Articles / Videos / Galleries they have created in the last 12 hours.

To access My content simply open your Sportal365 Dashboard.

The Player statistics functionality of the dashboard lets you oversee how many Articles, Videos, Galleries or images have been created for a specific player, for a specific time range.

The Team statistics functionality of the dashboard lets you track how many Articles, Videos, Galleries or images have been created for a specific team, for a specific time range.

The Category statistics functionality of the dashboard lets you track how many Articles, Videos, Galleries or images have been created under a specific category for a specific time range.