Content properties for specific content titles
Martin Tsekov
The Sportal365 CMS offers several sections with content properties to categorize, optimize, enrich, and organize articles, videos, and galleries on your website.
Placed under nine tabs–General, Media, Content footer, Tags, Related content, URLs, SEO, List, and Custom data, think of these content properties as features that help make your content better and fit for an online world.
Although the content properties follow almost identical logic, there is a slight difference in sections with some content types.
Note that Images are a content type that is not optimized through the content properties as the rest of the content.
In the following sections we explore each content property tab in detail:
The General tab lets creators set categories, authors, status, distribution channels, comment policies, properties and publish dates for the three main content types–Articles, Videos, and Galleries.
Main Category
To have a category is mandatory for creating an article, video, or gallery.
Categories are general topics or the table of contents for your site. Categories are there to help identify what your article is really about. This means that before anyone can use the CMS to create content, a category must be created.
In the Category field, select the general category that your content must fall under. For example, if you are writing an article about football, you can select the Football category as the main category.
Note that you can add only one main category here.
Additional Categories
Additional Categories are sub-categories of the main category you have decided to place your content under, say, Football.
So, if your content is under the main category “Football” and you add an additional category “Premier League”, it will appear in both sections (Football and Premier League) on your website; together with all other content tagged with the same categories.
Note that you can add more than one additional category
Every article, video, or gallery has an author and the Author field is where you enter the author’s name. Normally, you will have only one author per piece of content, but in cases when more people collaborate, you can add more authors.
Custom Author
The Custom Author field is used for guest authors who are not part of your organization and you don’t want to create a new author in the system.
The Status lets you decide whether the content SHOULD (or not) appear on your website.
The Status box has three options: Active / Inactive / Temporary. If you select “Active”, your content will appear on your website. If you select “Inactive”, your content will be saved as a draft in the system. However, if you select “Temporary”, your content will appear on your site only for a short period of time.
The Properties field lets creators and system operators determine what properties a piece of content should have. Properties slightly vary for the different content types and we will examine them separately for articles, videos, and galleries.
Articles properties & types
Ads enabled–By selecting Ads enabled, you allow advertising banners to appear in the body of your article.
Adult content–When you select this property, your article will be marked as containing adult content.
Important–When you select this property, your article will be marked as important on your website.
Live–Select this property if you are covering in real-time a match or a press conference.
Sensitive content–Selecting this option will mark your article as containing sensitive content.
Articles and Videos are the only content types that allows creators to define the type of article they are writing (e.g. News, Interview, Commentary, Analysis, Report, Opinion, Advertorial).
Video properties
When you create a video, you can choose from four properties: Ads enabled, Adult content, Important and Sensitive content.
Gallery properties
Similarly to videos, galleries have only properties and you can choose to select from three:
Ads enabled, Adult content, Sensitive content.
Published From/Until
The Published From and Published Until boxes are filled when you want to keep an article on your website for a specific period of time.
Let’s look at two scenarios when this could be helpful:
Scenario one: Ad campaign
If you are running an advertising campaign, you can define the time your ad post will stay on your website. For example, one week.
Scenario two: Embargo
If a football club puts an embargo on a specific topic until an official announcement is made, journalists can’t publish anything about it. But they can prepare their news, upload it to the CMS, and set a publish date for the day and time of the announcement.
Distribution Regions
Think of the Distribution Regions functionality as your location filter, and a way to let an audience from a specific region seen your post.
Use the box to enter a country, city, or any type of location tag you have previously created.
Distribution Channels
When you have to decide what distribution channel to decide for your post, think about your audience and where it consumes your content most often–desktop, laptop, iOS / Android device, and so on. This will help you optimize your content for the right channel.
Comment policies
The Comment policies feature lets you control the way users engage with your content in the comments section of your posts. You can restrict, remove, or set any commenting policy you want.
The Media tab is where you upload a Main image for your Аrticles, Videos, or Galleries. The Main image is the image that will appear as a header (or main media) of your content.
Adding main images to posts
To upload a main image for your post, you can either add a new photo(s) or choose from already existing in the system.
To add a new main image, select the Upload new images button.
To choose from existing images, select Toggle already uploaded photos.
To add a description for your image, fill in the Image description field.
It’s worth mentioning that when you upload multiple images, the description you enter will be for the last image.
The image below is an example of how the main image of an article looks:
Specifics when creating articles, videos, and galleries
Most of the Media tab properties overlap for all three main content types, but the use cases vary depending on the type of content you want to emphasize; be that video, a single image, or a gallery of images.
Main media: Articles
When you write and upload a new article to your website, it normally has a single image (as shown above) as main media.
However, as many different use cases exist, the Sportal365 CMS has the option to also place as main media of your article a short video or a gallery.
To do that, use the Choose Main Media box to search for an existing Video/Gallery to add.
Articles with video as main media could appear on your website as shown below:
Main media: Videos
When you create videos, the Media tab is where you not only add a main image to your video, but you actually add/create your video.
To add a new video:
Select Media->Choose Main Media->Embed Video.
Paste the embed code of the video in the Video embed box.
3. As an alternative, you can add a video by using the Search Dugout videos and Search videos options.
Main media: Galleries
You will notice that when you create galleries, the Main tab doesn’t contain the Choose Main Media tab as do articles and videos.
When you create a gallery, the emphasis is on the quality of images in the gallery. Also, if you upload multiple images, the last uploaded image will appear as the main image (opening/header image) of your gallery.
To learn how to create a gallery, see How to create a Gallery.
The Content footer is a property available in Articles, Videos and Galleries. The Content footer is, well, the footer of your post and depending on the way your project is set–you can give photo credit and so on.
And here is an example of how your Content footer could look like:
The Tags tab is where you add one or more tags that you have created to your content. It’s not mandatory to tag your post.
When you tag your post, however, users can easily browse your content by topic rather than chronologically, which is how blogs were set up in the past. Also, tagging improves the optimization of your content for search engines.
Tags are related to the topic you write and are meant to describe specific details of your posts.
So, if you are writing about a potential player transfer, a sample tag you can use is “transfer rumors”. Think of these as your site’s index words. They are the micro-data that you can use to micro-categorize your content.
Tagging with Football Connections
In addition to tagging your content with relevant tags you create, you can tag your articles, videos, and galleries with teams, players, and matches.
Football connections are connected to statistics and you use them to specify to which match, player, or team a certain news article is related to.
When you tag a news article with a football connection, you can use the available data from our Football API to create a page on your website and show all news related to a specific match/player/team.
The idea behind related content is to connect the article, video, or gallery you are creating to more relevant content. Related content is the additional content suggested to readers at the bottom of articles, videos, and galleries on your website.
How it looks on your website is up to your front-end development, but here’s an example:
The related content you will be able to select and add to your news is directly connected to the football connections you use in the Tags tab.
That’s why if you tag your news with a match (team or player) between Manchester City and Everton, the Related content tab will either suggest or let you search all related news to the match (team or player) you have tagged your news with.